Go Pink Hair Do Update

Mark Conway's Pink Hair & Beard

Mark’s Nominated Head For Cancer Research Now Completely Pink!

Yep, Mark knows his hair is pink!

Mark gives an update about his Pledge – and more importantly about his hair and beard!:

“I wanted to just give you an update on things as the landscape has changed somewhat.
Since we spoke not only has the hair gone PINK but so has the beard and glitter seems to be looming around the corner.
We managed to crack the initial target of $800 on 2 June and by the time I got to the hairdresser to bleach and colour my beard on Saturday 6/6 that figure had over doubled to about $1,800!!!!
The donation count at the moment is just shy of $2,000 which is far more that I could ever have imagined was possible when I first threw down my challenge and I am now planning on how to logistically deal with glitter when the $3,000 figure gets hit.
I also re-adjusted the tiers of involvement/punishment so as each target gets hit it will then extend the pink period back out to a month. With donations accepted until the end of June I could be PINK for both June and July which is a little more daunting but more rewarding for donors.
I have put together some pretty awkward YouTube clips of the experience to date and posted them to the updates on my pledge page here: https://fundraise.nbcf.org.au/fundraisers/markconway/go-pink, I have also been uploading some photos as well.”

By Mark Conway (‘Yep, he knows his hair is pink!’)
#GO PINK #mypinkpledge #colourit
