Crime Stoppers Boost Under LNP Government
The LNP’s plan to reduce crime in the Scenic Rim has strengthened with a $1.5 million funding commitment for Crime Stoppers, if elected in October.
Member for Scenic Rim Jon Krause said the extra money will help expand the network of volunteers and support crime-prevention.
“The Palaszczuk Labor Government significantly reduced funding in February 2019 which lead to the closure of the Crime Stoppers call centre,” Mr Krause said. “Labor’s shocking decision saw an increase in demand to the Queensland Police Service, which was already massively over-stretched.
“Last year it was revealed that 130,000 crime reports and tip-offs to PoliceLink were abandoned by callers who hung up when their calls went unanswered.
Mr Krause said that Crime Stoppers is a crucial service.
“It helped our police make almost 2,200 arrests in the last year and detect drugs with a value of almost $6 million.
Mr Krause said that Labor created a crime crisis and they don’t a have plan to fix it.
“The LNP will work with Crime Stoppers to boost the role that volunteers play in the fight against crime and ease the pressure on our police. The LNP will end Labor’s crimewave by giving police the resources and the tough laws they need to protect the community. The only way to fix the crime problem is to change the government on October 31,” Mr Krause said.
For more information, please contact my office on: (07) 5515 1100 or email scenicrim@parliament.qld.gov.au
If you have an issue that you think should be fixed, I encourage you to contact my office, tollfree on 1800 813 960, so I can lobby on your behalf in Brisbane.
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For more information, please contact Jon Krause MP’s office on:
07 5515 1100 or email scenicrim@parliament.qld.gov.a