Local Emergency Services Attend Scene

Around 3.30pm on Friday 18 September, just before school holidays commenced, several vehicles were involved in a car accident on the Waterford-Tamborine Road approximately 200m from Tamborine Memorial Hall.

A car heading out of town on the road to Logan Village failed to negotiate the bend and veered onto the other side of the road, first clipping a local resident’s trailer, then going on to hit three other vehicles including a ute.
All vehicles hit had to be towed. Police from Tamborine Mountain and Yarrabilba Logan Village Police Stations attended the scene along with an ambulance, several tow trucks and fire utility trucks from Tamborine and Logan Village Fire Stations. Apparently – and thankfully – no one was seriously hurt, although some of those involved were taken to hospital for treatment.

The road was blocked for almost an hour in both directions causing traffic heading out of Tamborine to be turned back and those coming in to join a long queue of traffic.
One of the persons involved in the accident commented in no uncertain terms: “Mobile phones and driving do not mix!”
Important words for anyone using the roads!