Creating Natural Spaces

Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival
Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival
Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival

Local School’s 2nd Annual Eco Festival

Cedar Creek State School has recently been celebrating our unique location and community. In October we highlighted our commitment to the environment with our 2nd Annual Eco Festival. Collaborating with local experts, the Logan City Council and the knowledgeable team from the Albert Valley Wilderness Society, members from our local Indigenous community and our amazing staff team. The Eco Festival was a day of activities and mini workshops. From creating spaces for wildlife, caring for our natural environment, reducing our waste and recycling materials to enhance our school grounds our students and families were able to grow their environmental awareness.

Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival
Students from Cedar Creek State School attending the Eco Festival

November saw our community come together and enjoy the talent that our students have in the creative arts. With Instrumental Music performances from our students – who continued to learn and build their musical skills through online lessons with teachers during the Learning at Home period earlier in the year – we were able to delight audiences at the Music and Arts Evening.

Students from Cedar Creek State School attending the Eco Festival

Art installations from classes were on display, showcasing student work in an array of artistic mediums.
We were also able to get started on Christmas shopping, supporting local artisans and craftsmen at our mini market while our dedicated team P&C dished up dinner delights.

Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival Stalls
Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival Stalls

By Sharlene Hogben
(Admin Officer
Cedar Creek State School)

Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival Art Pieces
Cedar Creek State School Eco Festival Art Pieces