The Heat, Looking For A Shady Spot …

So the weather has turned up the heat for us in this sunburnt country, and with this season starts the arduous hours of mowing and whipper snipping. Funnily enough, at the end of those sweat drenched exercises, the sight is so rewarding we almost begin planning the next endeavour, due generally within a few weeks.
Yard maintenance can be the bane of many a weekend landscaper, when those precious rest days dwindle into weeding and tip runs. Let’s not get started on trying to get the younger ones to help out, bribery with slurpies and zooper doopers may sweeten the deal, but I’m sure they would rather be chillin in the air-con.
So we weigh it up, if we like the sight of manicured surrounds, we toil away, or employ a friend’s hardworking child, or on the flip side, Astro turf and rock gardens are quite popular too.
Whatever your view, I hope there is a shady spot for you to relax, where a nice breeze comes through, and can enjoy an icy beverage, because we need to keep hydrated, don’t we folks.
Kind Regards, Danielle Ruddock
(Shambles Homestead)