PumpHead Film Tackled Difficult Subject …
In July, the Tamborine Mountain Progress Association (TMPA) screened at the Zamia the feature length documentary, PUMPHEAD. It’s about the patient experience of open heart surgery – not the medical/operation stuff but the other after-effects. It’s very beautiful as well. PUMPHEAD was made by leading Australian film distributor and historian, Andrew Pike, who himself went through the experience. The TMPA was a little hesitant about showing it, anticipating that people might have an unconscious resistance to the subject. But no worries! The audience was moved and illuminated – including the wife of the couple facing that surgery the next week.
PUMPHEAD is available by Googling Ronin Films: the distributor, and Andrew’s company, and searching PUMPHEAD in the catalogue – from where you can buy a DVD – or log in to a Vimeo for which you pay a modest amount.