Councillor Jeff McConnell – Division 2 – Scenic Rim
These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council.
GRANTS Council currently has active State and Federal grants totalling more than $57m. These grants are a much-needed relief to ratepayers as we can get more work done on roads and other infrastructure projects without using our rates budget. These grants however come with a strict criterion so we cannot move those funds to other projects that some locals think would be a better spend. I encourage you all to check out the Council Website for more information.
ROADS and BRIDGES There has been much said about the condition of our roads and Council has a strong commitment to fix and maintain our roads without our limited capital works budget. I have met with our Road Works officer and requested to look at bringing the upgrade of Veresdale Scrub Road in front of the Veresdale Scrub Hall brought forward in the Capital Works Plan as it is one of the worst sections of that road. Most times that I ask residents which road they have an issue with it turns out to be a State controlled road. I have posted on my Facebook page a link to the Main Roads in the Scenic Rim. I encourage you to contact the Dept of Main Road at if you have any problems with a main road. It was great with the assistance of the neighbouring Logan Councillor Scott Bannon to re-open Tesse Bridge at Veresdale Scrub. This was a joint project with funding from the Federal Bridges Renewal program, Logan and Scenic Rim Councils. Hopefully the funding for the replacement of Freeman Bridge up the road will be soon. If you see any dumped items or dead kangaroo’s by the side of the road please call Council on 5540 5111 and report it. Keeping our community looking clean and tidy is important.
LOCAL ISSUES • Currently, I am working on the following issues: • Veresdale Scrub School P&C with before and after school care options • Gleneagle State School P&C with repairs and improvements to the school car park • Tamborine Memorial Hall improvements • Tamborine Mountain Sports with facility upgrades • Wildlife Corridor through Tamborine • Vonda Youngman and Palomino roads Tamborine speeding • Intersection Karen Court Tamborine Upgrade • Leach Road Upgrade outside Hardware store.
Thought Of The Day
“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
Contact Me I will always be available to talk with Division 2 residents on mobile 0436 327 434 or email
Follow me on Facebook Jeff McConnell Councillor for Division 2 Scenic Rim Regional Council where I will post a weekly update. I am happy to meet with residents should they need a face to face meeting.
You can contact Council on 5540 5111 (save it to your phone) or email
Councillor’s Comments For September 2021
Cr Jeff McConnell – Division 2
These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council.
Council currently has active State and Federal grants
totalling more than $57m. These grants are a much-needed
relief to ratepayers as we can get more work done on roads
and other infrastructure projects without using our rates
budget. These grants however come with a strict criterion
so we cannot move those funds to other projects that some
locals think would be a better spend. I encourage you all to
check out the Council Website for more information.
There has been much said about the condition of our roads
and Council has a strong commitment to fix and maintain
our roads without our limited capital works budget. I have
met with our Road Works officer and requested to look at
bringing the upgrade of Veresdale Scrub Road in front of the
Veresdale Scrub Hall brought forward in the Capital Works
Plan as it is one of the worst sections of that road.
Most times that I ask residents which road they have an
issue with it turns out to be a State controlled road. I have
posted on my Facebook page a link to the Main Roads in
the Scenic Rim. I encourage you to contact the Dept of
Main Road at if you have any
problems with a main road.
It was great with the assistance of the neighbouring
Logan Councillor Scott Bannon to re-open Tesse Bridge at
Veresdale Scrub. This was a joint project with funding from
the Federal Bridges Renewal program, Logan and Scenic
Rim Councils. Hopefully the funding for the replacement of
Freeman Bridge up the road will be soon.
If you see any dumped items or dead kangaroo’s by the side
of the road please call Council on 5540 5111 and report it.
Keeping our community looking clean and tidy is important.
• Currently, I am working on the following issues:
• Veresdale Scrub School P&C with before and after
school care options
• Gleneagle State School P&C with repairs and
improvements to the school car park
• Tamborine Memorial Hall improvements
• Tamborine Mountain Sports with facility upgrades
• Wildlife Corridor through Tamborine
• Vonda Youngman and Palomino roads Tamborine
• Intersection Karen Court Tamborine Upgrade
• Leach Road Upgrade outside Hardware store.
Thought Of The Day
“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no
gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the
freedom of my mind.” Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
Contact Me
I will always be available to talk with Division 2 residents on mobile 0436 327 434 or email
Follow me on Facebook
Jeff McConnell Councillor for Division 2 Scenic Rim Regional Council where I will post a weekly update. I am happy to meet with residents should they need a face to face meeting.
You can contact Council on 5540 5111 (save it to your phone) or email