Orchid & Foliage ‘Show’ Finally Flourished

Over the last two and a bit years, Beaudesert Districts Orchid and Foliage Society has had little luck with the staging of its Autumn and Spring Shows. The shows gained such popularity they saw as many as 800 visitors, many of whom had to come a fair distance, to attend at the Canungra School of Arts Hall.
Spring Show, 2019, was set up with smoke drifting above the near horizon. Saturday, the opening day, saw the atmosphere heavy with such smoke and the township filled with the excitement of emergency vehicles and personnel as frantic efforts were made to get of top of a bushfire burning fiercely at nearby Sarabah and heading towards Binna Burra.
With the local Mayor having advised people to stay away from Canungra, there was little chance that our Spring Show could attract the anticipated number – and it didn’t. But visitors did come, not in the usual numbers but an attendance of just over more than 400 was more than anyone could expect under the circumstances.

Autumn Show, in March 2020, was set up with the knowledge that Covid 19 was lurking on our doorstep. It went ahead with none of the restrictions to which we have since become accustomed being required, but prospective visitors were wary and again we saw our usual anticipated attendance drop to just over 400 once more. A special visit was made by Jon Gibbons from the Scenic Rim Council with his wife Jenny, and Florence (only 14 months at the time).
Spring Show, 2020, was not able to proceed because of restrictions placed on the holding of such events and the movement of people. It was decided not to hold the Autumn Show, 2021, because of the tough demands to be made of volunteers.
With approach of the time when we would usually hold a Spring Show, 2021 for Orchids and Foliage Plants, and the requirements for holding such events changing on a regular basis, it was decided for the better or the worse we would hold a “Sales and Display” event where visitors could admire a massed display of orchids and foliage plants on the hall’s stage, adore and buy from a huge selection of such plants, and stock up on any accessories that would help them pursue their interest in growing the plants. There would be no chance to sit and chat, just the opportunity to admire, buy, purchase a raffle ticket or two, then leave.

Thus, over the weekend of 11-12 September, we finally presented ourselves once more to the people and held our substitute event with a stage display of great variety, beauty and balance. Thanks to Karen and Emily K, the sales tables were filled with several thousand plants – dominated by foliage plants – not that there was any shortage of orchids – of which many had flowered early for the occasion.
Succulents, bromeliads, geraniums, ferns, calatheas, anthuriums, and
many more were available for purchase, along with varieties so many for me to remember – a dazzling selection of colour, shape, size and texture!
On the second weekend of March 2022, we plan to have our usual Autumn Show for Orchids and Foliage Plants at the same place and under circumstances that were the norm before this malady descended upon us and threw the whole world into a state of confusion, uncertainty and concern!
Join us then and discover the beauty of what plant growing enthusiasts are able produce, bringing pleasure to the eye!
By Peter Rice (Show Secretary)
Beaudesert Orchid & Foliage Society Inc