Fun and education the key to fishing events targeting Carp and Tilapia
Another successful haul from the Scenic Rim Carp Cup in September at the II Bogan Lagoon near Beaudesert has supported Council’s efforts to protect the biodiversity and health of local waterways by targeting two invasive fish species, the Carp and Tilapia.
In November, the long-established Scenic Rim environmental group, the Logan and Albert Fish Management Association, is hosting a similar family-friendly education-focused event, called the ‘Carp & Tilapia Eradication Competition’ at Wyaralong Dam.
Scenic Rim Deputy Mayor and Division 4 Councillor Michael Enright said Council’s event last month, the Scenic Rim Carp Cup, was designed to offer keen fishers of all ages a fun and educational morning out while removing the harmful pests.

“Both Carp and Tilapia are declared species of noxious fish which means they have been declared harmful by Queensland Law because they are a serious pest to native aquatic communities,” he said.
“Their negative impact can lead to poor water quality and upset the balance in the food chain that is unsustainable for native fish.
“This means they must not be released into Queensland waters or be used as bait, and must be immediately killed after being caught. By doing this it ensures we can continue the health of our waterways and allow other native fish in the region to flourish and increase in numbers,” he said.
The II Bogan Lagoon near Beaudesert is a sacred site for the Mununjali community so Council’s family friendly fishing day on Sunday 26 September started with a traditional Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by Mununjali Elders Geraldine and Janis Page.
At the Scenic Rim Carp Cup 2021 a total of 53 Carp and Tilapia were caught by 40 participants, with the title for the Largest Carp being awarded to Samantha Cahill.

A medal for haul of the day was also awarded to Paul Broughton who personally caught 15 fish.
Medals were also distributed for the First Pest Fish of the Day, Under 14s Largest Tilapia, Under 14s Largest Carp, Longest Tilapia and the Smallest Pest Fish of the Day.
Representatives from the Logan and Albert Fish Management Association and the Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland Inc were on hand at the Scenic Rim Carp Cup to ensure all native fish were released back into the water and the Carp and Tilapia were measured and recorded before being disposed of humanely.
Community members are invited to attend the upcoming ‘Wyaralong Dam Carp & Tilapia Eradication Competition’ organised by the Logan and Albert Fish Management Association on Saturday 13 November.
Registrations open Friday afternoon 12 November or from 5.30am on Saturday 13 November at Wyaralong Dam. The event boasts a range of great prizes and helps raise funds for the Association’s Australian native fish stocks.
More information is available on by searching ‘fishing’.