Scenic Rim Regional Council has adopted its first Community Engagement Strategy and updated its Community Engagement Policy to keep our community better informed and involved on issues important to them.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen says how we engage with current and potential residents, ratepayers, business owners, community groups, investors and other levels of government, is of vital importance.
“Community input is already part of decisions made in the Chamber; however, the Scenic Rim Regional Council Community Engagement Strategy 2021-2026 sets us on a path for improved engagement that will in turn support better decision-making and have a positive impact on the future of our region,” he said.
“The Strategy defines a consistent approach through its framework and is based on industry best-practice. What that means for the community is more opportunities to inform council decision-making, to work collaboratively with us, and clearer communication of outcomes.
In line with our Customer Charter, this Strategy has been developed on five guiding principles to ensure that community engagement in the Scenic Rim is open and transparent; inclusive and accessible; informed and timely; responsive; and respectful.
“We are committed to making meaningful changes to put our customers at the heart of everything we do,” the Mayor said.
“Spanning a five-year period from 2021-2026, the action plan has 15 specific initiatives centred around the need for open, two-way conversations with our community.
“One of those initiatives includes the development and launch of a digital engagement platform in early 2022. This online platform will become a one-stop shop for projects, ideas, reports and outcomes across a range of engagement activities.
Commitment to make meaningful changes to the way Council does business requires organisational transformation and employees are already aligning work practices to contribute to a more consistent and easily accessible way of engaging and communicating with the community,” the Mayor said.
The Strategy, Policy and Customer Charter are available on Council’s website.
- The Scenic Rim Regional Council Community Engagement Strategy 2021-2026 at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/corporate-publications
- Community Engagement Policy at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/council-policies-documents
- Customer Charter at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/customer-charter.