Division 2 Councillor Jeff McConnell Appointed!

Under the Scenic Rim Regional Council’s annual review of Elected Members appointments, through resolution at it’s Ordinary Meeting, Division 2 Councillor Jeff McConnell has been appointed as the new Deputy Mayor for the next twelve months. Cr Jeff was nominated for his leadership skills and passion for local government. He brings to the role two years experience as well as ten years working within council as a local controller for the Scenic Rim SES Unit.
“I would like to congratulate and thank Councillor Enright for the term he served as Deputy Mayor.” Cr Jeff McConnell said. “I look forward to the opportunities and challenges this role will present over the next twelve months, while continuing to work alongside the Mayor and fellow Councillors.”
The role is to essentially be available to assist in the Mayor’s absence. Cr Jeff McConnell said he is excited for the position, and while learning from Mayor Greg Christensen’s experience, he will also endeavour to take more of a leadership role in order to assist in other areas of council.
Congratulations to our very own Cr Jeff!