June 2022 ~ Halfway Through The Year Awareness … got me to thinking about halves and bits and pieces.
How we can spread pieces of ourselves around as a way of existing. A bit over here for work, a bit over there for family, a bit over here for food, shopping, cleaning, washing and a bit over there for Johnny and Janie’s sports, for their haircut and shoe shopping; Go to dentist, doctor, specialist, pharmacy, or whatever else they need.
Middle aged adults with middle income and young children deserve to be held in high regard as being human, simply because it is one of the busiest and lacking fund-surplus times in our lives.
One of the things I encourage clients of this demographic is:
You know you are a busy person when going to the toilet is an inconvenience or affords you a slight pause!
Flashback to January (Happy New Year!); So you know how this year was going to be different for you? Perhaps more organised with less chaos, slower or richer. Does it still feel the same as last year? “Yes?” (And that is OKAY) …
I absolutely encourage routine for this demographic group. Absolutely encourage a repetitive, stabilised, and over-familiar pattern of functioning. Could you imagine your household or life without it?
Well done for establishing a routine that keeps you all safe and secure. Well done for showing up on ground hog day and facing the many things to do – it’s never just one thing.
Well done for living a life as worthy as to raise children. Well done for pulling that money together (likely by selling something you loved).
Well done for sharing your skills with us in the form of your job given how over-committed you must be. Good job on how creative and resourceful you can be. Thank you for the reminder of the value in “everything is same/same, the same as last year” – just ask anyone whose lives have been turned upside down.
I could acknowledge you on and on.
It all matters, even if you can’t see it yet ~ ‘The Forest for the Trees.’ It matters. You matter. Keep going.
My highest regards
If you or your family are experiencing
Family and Domestic Violence contact:
DVConnect (Qld) on 1800 811 811
1800Respect on 1800 737 732
Your GP – or see any GP …
If you are in immediate danger, call 000 for police and ambulance