Tamborine Mountain Car Show Great Success
This year’s Tamborine Mountain Rotary Car Show at the Tamborine Mountain Sport’s Ground was a success with a large showing of vintage, antique, classic, custom, muscle, and sports cars, as well as bikes. Large crowds attended on the day thanks to great weather conditions. Families from all areas attended and enjoyed the show vehicles, music, market stalls, and food vans. Grounds opened to the public at 8am and the off-street parking within the grounds (more than 1000 vehicles) were co-ordinated by over 20 members of our local Scenic Rim Regional Cadet unit.

This event was sponsored by Eagle Heights Hotel (major sponsor) and as well as sponsors Tamborine Mountain Auto Clinic, Carlo’s IGA, Scenic Rim Council, and Skywalk.
Thanks to these sponsors we handed out prize monies in different categories totalling over $2500. Rotary with the help of several other community volunteers made the day a success.
Rotary will direct all funds raised from this event directly back into the community supporting schools and youth development, sports clubs, and other community groups.
The first round of donations being given were a donation of $1500 to the local Scenic Rim Regional Cadets, $1000 to the Tamborine Mountain Men’s Shed and $500 to the Men’s Shed Band ‘Offcuts’ who supplied live music during the day.