SAS Holds Inaugural Camp Of Stargazing …

Stargazing at Woodstock in Tamborine! The perfect spot in relation to its location – far enough away from Brisbane to avoid light pollution and only 45 minutes from the Gold Coast – a unique site of suitability in an urban setting!
Members of the Southern Astronomical Society Inc recently braved the cold of winter and set up their inaugural SAStro camp (with lots of gear and many scopes) at Woodstock to check out the night sky. And they were not disappointed – managing to capture some super images of the Milky Way and constellations such as Eagle Nebula Messier 16.
Club President Brendan Junge commented “The club has a mission to up-skill members to get the most out of their equipment and hobby – to actually expose what astronomy is all about especially as it is a bit of a hard hobby to learn.”
Members joke that they are essentially part scientist, part IT experts, and part photographic artists! But they also say that the club is very friendly and helpful, a sharing and caring environment for learning how to use your gear while enjoying the company of other like-minded observers.
They hope to hold three camps a year, mainly outside of Summer which can fill the skies with stormy weather, with the next planned for the evening of Saturday 1 October 2022 in conjunction with the International Observe The Moon Night – an annual worldwide event to observe our closest neighbour – the moon.

For more info, call club secretary Bryan on 0431 096 511.