Columbian Wyndote Chicken Lays Huge Egg
At the markets one day, we were standing around ‘clucking like a bunch of chickens’ when friend Richard pulled out his phone, said “Check this out!”, and showed a photo of an egg sitting on a scale. “Okay it’s an egg?!” I said. “Look at the number!” he said. Looking more closely at the image I could see it was a ‘giant egg’ weighing in at a whopping 96 grams! Richard showed a pic of another egg with a scale read out of 62 grams – which apparently is about the usual size egg his wife Helen’s chickens lay. “Wow!” I said, the giant 96 gram egg was an amazing 34 grams (or 31.4%) larger than the usual 62 grams! “What kind of chicken did that?!” I asked. Richard then showed a photo of a group of seven Columbian Wyndote Chickens who were more focused upon pecking at the side of a dam than worrying about egg size! “Which one?” I said. “Take your pick!” he said. Maybe it was lucky number seven! Ouch!

By Kerri !