Thank You For All Members’ Contributions
Thanks to all members for what contribution they have been able to make in providing assistance to the community in what has been a very quiet year.
The most unusual thing for this year was that we had 2 flooding events in a month which resulted in the brigade assisting in 3 rescue jobs and saw us team up with the SES flood boat for a positive outcome and a start to combined training between the 2 organisations and will be ongoing in the future.
The brigade responded 72 times for the year with attendance to 29 rtc’s, 15 grass/scrub fires, 4 structure fires, 7 car fires and 17 other type incidents. To note of those 72 incidents 5 required no action and 7 we received a stop for making to the incident.
On top of those callouts, we expended 486 m/hrs on hr’s, 282.5 M/hrs on flood work, 177 m/hrs on station standby and 101 m/hrs on community engagement.
We have saw the starting process for acquiring new land near the hall but have been warned that this process of acquiring the land and associated works and build may take up to 2-3 years.
We have 3 people gain Level 0ne Chainsaw Certification over the last 12 months, we have started the VLDF program although it has had a lot of stops and starts but looks like we have a heading finally to get people qualified.

Back Row L-R: Richard Young (Chairperson), Tyson Perkins-Joce (Fourth Officer), Cameron McRae (Treasurer), Zaydan Clancy (Fifth Officer & Equipment Officer), Wayne Joce (Communication Officer), Terry Watkins (First Officer), Trevor Henderson (Second Officer), Hayley Muchow (VCE Co-Ordinator), & Grace McGhie (Sixth Officer & Secretary); Front Row L-R: Luke Woodward (Brigade Training Officer), & Steve Curtis (Third Officer)
Thanks Tamborine Rural Fire Brigade for your support!
For over 9 years, Terry and Beth Jones have lived opposite the Tamborine Fire Station; and for the past nine years Terry has been mowing the lawn for the station ‘off his own back’ as a gesture of support for the brigade. Terry and Beth are now making a move to another location, so at the AGM, great thanks was made to Terry for his amazing help. Thank you Terry, we are sad to see you both go – and your mowing skills will be greatly missed! Wishing you both well in your new home.