Anything Introduced Will Have A Negative Affect
You have probably heard recently about a spate of Bower bird deaths on Tamborine Mountain. It is not known exactly what has killed them but it was suggested that due to the fact that the males decorate their bowers with blue objects to attract a mate and there is a snail poison on the market that is a blue pellet, that could be the cause of the deaths as birds are very sensitive to any poison even in small quantities. Another reason could be cat attack, as they are on the ground a lot feeding and mating.

It is a good reminder that anything that is introduced to the eco system will have a negative affect on our precious Wildlife, whether it is an introduced species or an insecticide. Another concerning situation that is affecting our native birds is that a study conducted by The National Geographic shows that insects are disappearing from our planet at an alarming rate, due to insecticides and habitat loss. Insects provide food for many species of birds, Bats, Gliders and Reptiles.
Wildlife carers have seen direct evidence of a lack of insects in the diet of the insectivore species of birds for example, Magpie’s, Crows, Currawongs, Magpie larks to name a few, where orphaned or injured babies and juveniles that are coming into care are being found to have Metabolic Bone Disease. This disease causes soft or brittle bones and beaks in the young birds who are not getting enough calcium and phosphorous in their diet, which they usually receive by eating insect exoskeletons and other small animals.
Another problem is when people feed these birds meat, as it does not contain enough protein and nutrients for a complete bird diet. If a wildlife carer ever gives meat to a bird, it is always given with added calcium and protein.
• Reduce pesticide use around the outside of your house
• Plant native trees which will attract insects to your garden or join an organisation like Landcare that focuses on environmental conservation and bush care, etc.
• Please do not feed the birds