Slow Down, Move To The Left, Or Off The Road …
Well, the wind arrived, and the grass started growing, Spring has sprung and it’s great to see people out and about. Spring cleaning can lead to misplaced items. At present I have several items in the Property Room which I am wanting to reunite owners with. If you have genuinely misplaced something, please enquire as we only keep items for 60 days before it goes to a good cause (or destroyed).
This month is Rural Road Safety Month. Unfortunately, we continue to have entitled fools in cars and on bikes overtaking on double white lines. This dangerous activity won’t be tolerated. Please report it, get the number plate and we really want your videos of these outright dangerous actions. I have recently sent several infringements notices to vehicle/bike owners, with thanks to those who reported it.
Walking on the road – with a distinct lack of pathways around the township people sadly wanting to enjoy outdoors find themselves walking on the roads. It’s important please to consider your own safety. Consider bright clothing, high vis or a light (depending on the hour), walk in the direction opposite to traffic flow, and for your own benefit move off the road when vehicles approach. I wouldn’t trust all drivers; I’ve seen some of their “skills” …
We continue to target illicit drug activity with another male person charged with possession of dangerous drugs. Please continue to inform us or contact Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 with information so we can deal with it appropriately.
Pay Attention: Emergency vehicles with lights and sirens approaching generally means one of two things – either they want you to pull over to the left, or they want you to pull over to the left … It’s that simple and I recently encountered strange behaviour from multiple vehicle drivers with the emergency lights and siren going. Please pay attention, slow down and move to the left, stop where safe.
A couple of suspicious vehicles have been lurking around the place, and the dump rat has been up to old tricks again. With theft on their minds, these characters will take advantage of lax attitudes to security. Remember to lock up, keep an eye out, record number plates and/or take photos where possible of things that don’t seem right.
That’s all for this month. As always, report matters that might seem suspicious. Your information is just a phone call away and may help save someone’s life or protect their property. You never know!