Scenic Rim Regional Council has congratulated Plasvacc on their win at the Premier of Queensland’s Export Awards this week

A proud Scenic Rim business based at Kalbar, Plasvacc is a leading Australian pharmaceutical company, whose high-quality blood plasma products for horses, camels and dogs have achieved worldwide recognition and a client base of more than 2000 in Australia and overseas.
Operations Manager Katie Shield, who attended the awards gala in Brisbane on Wednesday evening, was delighted by the company’s win in the Small Business category.
“The business has been running for 25 years and it’s exciting to have its achievements recognised,” she said.
With its Kalbar facility the only one of its kind in Australia, Plasvacc operates in three countries and exports to 15.
It was also a finalist in the Regional Exporter category and the Agribusiness, Food and Beverages category of the Premier of Queensland’s Export Awards.
Division 6 Councillor Duncan McInnes said Plasvacc’s success highlighted the importance of the Scenic Rim’s agribusiness and agritourism sectors for the local economy and Queensland’s export market.
“It is particularly rewarding to see the efforts of a local enterprise, which has achieved global success, formally recognised in the Premier’s awards,” he said.
“This highlights the value of Council’s Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism 10-Year Roadmap 2022-2032 and Scenic Rim Agribusiness and Agritourism Three-Year Action Plan 2022-2025, which will support the continued growth of key industries that contribute more than $400 million annually to the local economy and employ more than 4,000 locals.”
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Plasvacc’s award attests to the company’s achievements as innovators and the region’s capability to shine on the global stage.
“I am so proud of the Plasvacc team and their continued efforts to ensure the welfare of animals in Australia and abroad through the production of pharmaceuticals that contribute to a high standard of care.”