Don’t Let The Good Times Slip Away …
Motorists in the local area were recently advised by Qld Traffic of ongoing “batter slope maintenance works on a 200m section of Tamborine Mountain Road near Piano Rock”.
Well, it looks more like ‘under‘ Piano Rock rather than ‘near’ Piano Rock, which caused a few to question what was happening to our beloved iconic rock shaped like a piano?!
But don’t panic, it seems the works undertaken are all so the Piano Rock is stabilised and that the ‘good times won’t (therefore) slip away’ down the side of the mountain.
So what is a batter slope? A quick google let us know that:
“Batters are the side slopes that connect the road surface to the contour of the surrounding land … and can rapidly erode, so batter stabilisation is an important element of road construction.” Good to know our Piano Rock will stay in place for many years to come thanks to the stabilisation!
For more information, please contact the Statewide Traffic Management Centre on 13 19 40, or visit