Biddaddaba’s Meet & Greet Day

Biddaddaba Creek Action Group

Twelve New Members Join The Action Group

After delivering flyers around the Biddaddaba and Boyland area, the Biddaddaba Creek Action Group Inc held a Meet and Greet Day for interested local residents.
The urn was put on and biscuits and cake were broken out!
The group was privileged to have Jon Krause MP, Mayor Tom Sharp, Cr Stephen Moriarty, (Cr Cryer unwell), and former Cr Virginia West attend the event to listen to the concerns about local issues while canvassing for new Action Group members.
All of the invited dignitaries addressed the group focusing upon the importance of community groups like the Biddaddaba Creek Action Group Inc. President George Massam explained about the history of the area and how the group first started with the support of local neighbours wanting to make a difference. He then went on to tell of what has been achieved over the years.
Some of these items included cleaning up the weeds along sections of Biddaddaba Creek such as Cats Claw Creeper (a strangulation vine), Tobacco Bushes, and Devil’s Fig with the goal to improve the flow of the creek and the water quality.
“More work is still needed to be done but it’s not all about the creek but about the community in general.” George said.
The group was also hugely instrumental in achieving funding for the sealing of Beaudesert-Nerang Hwy at Wonglepong after continuous lobbying since 1988.
Another achievement was the implementation of a passing lane at the Biddaddaba turnoff from Beaudesert, and also the vegetation clearing around Radke’s Bridge for viability.
After a very successful Meet and Greet, twelve new members signed up and will be officially accepted at a formal meeting!
The Action Group is looking forward to their new members officially coming on board and having their first meeting to inject some much needed invigoration into the group.