Trivia Night In Tamborine

Trivia Night in Tamborine

‘Twelve Teams Tousled’, Anything But ‘Trivial’!

Tamborine Trivia Night, hosted by the Tamborine & District Citizens Association Inc and led by Quiz Master John Beswick, attracted a dozen tables of players ready to test their knowledge on a cold Winter’s Night. Players were treated to tasty nibblies and hot chocolates, with many plates to share, while enjoying many rounds of (not so easy) questions. One such was “What does the ‘WD’ stand for in ‘WD40’?” with one bright spark answering “Wrong Decision” – and the tone of the evening was set, lol!

Trivia Night in Tamborine
Tamborine Memorial Hall was filled with tables of eager players enjoying ‘Tamborine Trivia Night’

The first big question they had to answer, although, was “What’s your team’s name?” – the answers came in thick and fast: ‘Beaudesert U3A Trivia’ (they ruled!), ‘Brainless Buddies’ (not commenting), ‘SRR Cadets’ (they commanded), ‘Last Resort’ (they almost were), ‘Palomino Mafia’ (don’t cross this team), ‘The Lions Den’ (guess who they were), ‘Twin Dams’ (because they have two), ‘The Real Housewives Of Cedar Creek’ (and one househusband), ‘The Whanua’ (the ‘Family’), ‘Brains Trust’ (they showed their strength), ‘We Are Totalling Not Googling This’ (yep, okay), and the ‘TDCA Trivia Team’ (so exciting!). There were many prizes and raffles, and a top night was had by all!

Tamborine Trivia Night
Quiz Master John Beswick
Trivia Night In Tamborine
Syd Norman (TDCA President), John Beswick (Vice President & Quiz Master), & Chris Watkins (Treasurer) drawing a raffle prize
Trivia Night In Tamborine
1st Prize winners ‘U3A Trivia’
Trivia Night In Tamborine
Also 1st Prize winners ‘Twin Dams’ due to recount
Trivia Night In Tamborine
2nd Prize winners ‘SRR Cadets’
Trivia Night In Tamborine
3rd Prize winners ‘Brains Trust’
'Palomino Mafia’ table at Tamborine Trivia Night
‘Palomino Mafia’ table at Tamborine Trivia Night