St Patrick’s Church Is Closed

The Bid To Save & Restore St Patrick’s

The Diocese of St Mary’s Catholic Parish in Beaudesert looks after nine churches in the Scenic Rim, these are as follows:
St Mary’s, Beaudesert
St John the Baptist, Tamborine Mountain
St John’s, Kerry
St Patrick’s, Tamborine
St Margaret Mary’s, Canungra
St Joseph’s, Rathdowney
Sacred Heart, Christmas Creek
St Joseph’s, O’Reilly’s
St James’, Palen Creek
All of the churches within the Parish need some form of repair, maintenance, and/or restoration, but currently St Patrick’s is the only church to have been closed.
This has been explained as due to safety issues concerning the requirement of both internal and external repair including new roof and ceiling, floor replacement, water tank replacement, front steps and landing repair or replacement, and asbestos removal (in the newer sections of the building). Also needed are glass window repair, painting, and pest control.
(Other church’s identified with asbestos are: Sacred Heart, Christmas Creek, St John’s, Kerry, St Margaret Mary’s, Canungra, and St Joseph’s, Rathdowney.)
The last mass at St Patrick’s was held at the end of June with the decision made by St Mary’s Diocese to no longer hold masses at the church until maintenance work has been addressed and completed. But the local parishioners have vowed to fight on to save their church!
In response to parishioners’s overwhelming desire to preserve their country churches, a meeting was held at St Mary’s Mercy Hall on 30th June. Questions were raised of how best to achieve, and even though some country churches are currently experiencing less attendees, Parish Priest Fr Kevin Njoku asked “How can we support our country churches regardless of how many attend each church?”.
At the meeting, the need for establishment of a management group with a representative for each church was indicated. Local residents Cecily Plunkett-O’Sullivan, Melissa Gibson, Tom Yore, and Mark McCabe are keen to ensure the future of St Patrick’s and hope to be able to achieve its restoration to keep the church safe and maintained going forward.
St Patrick’s Church is an amazing 150 years old this year, if you can help in the restoration of our local church, please contact Cecily Plunkett-O’Sullivan on 0412 370 698.

If you would like more information on how to help, please contact Parish Priest Fr Kevin Njoku on or St Marys Beaudesert on