… Of Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee

On Thursday the 2nd of June, the world celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd honouring her 70 years on the Throne. About 3500 Signal Fires were lit at sunset in all Commonwealth countries in a chain around the world. All accompanied by a Piper, Bugler, and Choir with all music specially written for the occasion by Buckingham Palace. Our own Scenic Rim Town Crier, Lord Sydney Norman, accompanied by his Consort wife, Lady Pauline, officiated and read the Proclamation specially written for the occasion.

‘The Song for the Commonwealth’
With the Tamborine Mountain State School Choir ‘Lyrebird’ in position, the Scenic Rim Cadets escorted in Piper David Greenhalgh to play his tune ‘Aiu Regarne’, followed by the Tamborine Mountain Scout Group escorting Bugler Aaliyah Wallace who played ‘Majesty’. The Choir sang ‘The Song for the Commonwealth’. Team leaders Lola and Oscar from the Scouts ceremonially lit the Signal Fire (one of only four in Queensland) assisted by the Tamborine Rural Fire Brigade.

The assembled, approximately 200 people, joined in two Toasts, one by Syd Norman to Her Majesty, and the second by Cr Jeff McConnell who toasted the Queen as ‘Captain General of Royal Regiment of the Australian Artillery’. For the tribute, Cr Jeff provided a specially made replica of a artillery bomb (which can reach a distance of 11.4km when shot from a 105mm Howitzer) containing a 25 year old port never before opened. Cr Jeff commented that was his “first sip of alcohol in 14 years” but that the “Queen holds a special place in the hearts of artillery personnel!”. The gathering sang ‘God Save the Queen’ in honour of the Queen’s reign.

Town Crier Syd Norman, and Tash Erkkila (Betty’s daughter)
Everyone enjoyed a free sausage sizzle provided by the Tamborine Vilage Lions Club, and drinks from Suzanne’s Coffee Van. The bonfire provided a nice warmth on a cool evening. A most successful event with amazing local talent Thank you everyone, especially Syd, for helping to make this such an occasion of great honour! A very special celebration honoured by residents of the Scenic Rim and beyond.