A record number of projects to enhance habitat for rare and threatened species and improve the quality of Scenic Rim waterways have been funded through a 50 per cent increase in Council’s budget for its Environmental Grants Program in 2022-2023.

Council approved the allocation of more than $156,380 for 51 projects by community groups and individual landowners that will help to preserve and enhance the Scenic Rim’s natural environment.
Projects which have received full or partial funding aim to improve habitat for endangered species such as koalas and greater gliders, the near-threatened Albert’s lyrebirds, vulnerable brush-tailed rock wallabies, Richmond birdwing butterflies and glossy black-cockatoos, as well as microbats and barn owls.
The program has also provided for projects as diverse as wild pig and weed control, the planting of Brigalow seedlings and the preservation of one of the Scenic Rim’s last remaining stands of giant ironwood trees.
Waterways will benefit from projects to stabilise creek banks and increase populations of the endangered Mary River cod, which help to reduce the numbers of invasive pest fish such as carp and tilapia.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said that maintaining habitat for a wide range of native plant and animal species in one of the most biodiverse areas in Australia was very much a partnership between Council and the wider community.
“Although the Scenic Rim is home to many large national parks – including the first ever established in Queensland – much of the remaining native habitat in our region is found on private property,” he said.
“This means the conservation of native plants and wildlife is a community effort and Council is proud to partner with schools, local environmental groups and landowners by supporting projects that represent an investment in the Scenic Rim’s natural values.”
Council’s 2022-2023 budget included a 50 per cent increase in funding for the Environmental Grants Program, allocating a total of $155,875 for projects which encourage community involvement and deliver region-wide benefits.
The program aligns with Council’s Biodiversity Strategy, which emphasises the importance of working in partnership to care for the environment, and the Scenic Rim’s shared Community Plan vision, which recognises the importance of ecological balance to support key industries of tourism and agriculture.
Cr Virginia West said that applications for funding totalling more than $288,000 reflected the keen interest of local community groups, landholders and organisations in improving the Scenic Rim’s natural environment but far exceeded Council’s environmental grants budget.
After reviewing 52 applications, the assessment panel recommended that 10 receive full funding and 41 receive partial funding to support the highest number of worthwhile projects across the region. One application was deemed ineligible for funding.
“Projects which have been partly funded could be completed in stages, ensuring applicants can maximise the environmental outcomes,” Cr West said.
Details of the projects supported in the 2022-2023 Environmental Grants Program are as follows:
Recipient | Project description |
Gray | Continued weed control to create buffers surrounding significant trees along one kilometre of Warrill Creek. Project will assist natural regeneration and assisted ecological restoration for bank stabilisation. |
Wild Mountains | Recovery project aimed at restoring the open steep eucalypt forest from invasive exotic weeds and grasses allowing for natural regeneration. |
Parry | Lamington project will focus on removal of weeds, mainly lantana, cassia, groundsel and cat’s claw creeper to improve habitat for koalas, greater gliders and other species. |
Isdale | Riparian restoration project that will undertake environmental weed control and tree planning along Canungra Creek and a tributary leading into it. |
Panzram | Project to remove lantana and Cat’s Claw Creeper to assist natural regeneration helping koalas, Eastern Grey Kangaroos, wallabies to move through property. |
Logan and Albert Fish Management Association | Project to replenish the Mary River Cod (endangered species) fish stocks to the Albert and Logan River catchments. The project will increase populations of an endangered native fish which has a vital role in the habitat as a predator against introduced species such as Carp and Tilapia. |
Watergum Community Inc | The Tamborine Wildlife Fodder Farm will provide volunteer wildlife carers with a resource to easily collect feed for native wildlife in care. |
Harvey | The project is focused on revegetation, erosion control through tree planting and controlled livestock fencing to rehabilitate Frenches Creek and help facilitate a wildlife corridor. |
Szumer | Stage two of a project to eradicate a significant infestation of Madeira vine from property bordering the national park. |
Boonah and District Landcare Association | Making and installing best environmental outcome nests for our target species (with priority to the endangered greater glider), nest monitoring, and reporting on the project. |
Buckham | Reduce/eliminate wild pigs spreading weed seeds and eroding riparian areas in the Moorang area. |
Craig | The project seeks to control urena lobata, giant devil’s fig and lantana on a steep nine-hectare site working within two gully sites. |
Tamborine Mountain Rainforest Trust | Weed control is essential for the enhancement of the region’s biodiversity and natural resources. |
Day | Removal of weeds and replanting of native plants to restore habitat for native fauna. |
Shephard | Weed removal project targeting lantana, privet, exotic ginger, molasses grass, whisky grass and other weed control to allow natural regeneration, revegetation tree planting and ground cover for slope stability enhancement. |
Smith | Species recovery project that will develop a green corridor for wildlife (including koalas and glossy black-cockatoos) by clearing weeds and planting trees for habitat. |
Macarthur | Invasive weed control along Teviot Brook and rock wallaby habitats on rock point. Stock exclusion fence continuation along Teviot Brook. |
Biddaddaba Creek Action Group Inc | Continue to remove weeds including celtis and cat’s claw creeper from the creek bank to improve bank stability. |
Solyma | For control of environmental weeds to assist riparian restoration and natural regeneration in a waterway buffer on along Sandy Creek, Croftby. |
Beechmont District Landcare Association | Planting, watering, weeding and teaching through BDLA volunteers and the hire of contractors across a series of reserves located with Beechmont. |
Powell | Continued restoration of degraded creek lines and re-establishment of rainforest in previously cleared areas. |
Pratt | Project aimed to extend the local koala habitat and assist in the extension of the native Brigalow growth. |
Tamborine Mountain State School | Restore and regenerate old-world rainforest to encourage wildlife, create outdoor learning spaces, install interactive signage to educate students on the traditional uses of rainforest plants and animal information. |
Aberle | Continuing project to remove lantana and replant with endemic flora to enhance habitat for native animals including resident koalas. |
Tamborine Mountain Landcare Association | Project to continue regenerating corridors that link national parks, Council reserves and private properties to provide safe passage for flora and fauna. Key species supported include Albert’s lyrebird and Richmond birdwing butterfly. |
Muller | A staged program to eradicate cat’s claw creeper from dry vine scrub to protect one of the last remaining stands of mature giant ironwood trees in the Scenic Rim. |
Ison | Works to enhance creek buffer by removing environmental weeds, encouraging regeneration to restore natural ecological habitat and maintain stock exclusion and manage fire. |
Trewin | This project is a habitat restoration project that will aim to remove invasive species and replace them with desirable native habitat, primarily for koalas. |
Maccoll | Eradication/control of weeds to enhance natural flora and fauna. |
Morris | The project is a habitat enhancement that will provide water to, and monitor, wildlife feeders across a site within a restored 20-hectare site. |
Reid | Weed management control to reduce the number of lantana plants in nature refuge. |
Jenyns | Stage two restoration of forest and creek area to eradicate weeds and plant trees to provide food and shelter for wildlife. |
Creagh | Project to clear an established lantana infestation on a section of Coulson Creek (Clumber) in difficult terrain. |
Guilfoyle | Project to remove large agave weeds growing between Brigalow trees, and plant Brigalow seedlings |
Legros | Species recovery project that will see nest boxes installed over a six-acre property, targeting multiple bird and mammal species, including the endangered greater glider and yellow bellied glider. |
Mason | Environmental restoration/recovery of the main section of a valley that contains a number of uncommon plant species and a number of geological features. |
Hellyer | To reinstate fauna-friendly fencing within conservation area. |
Massam | Weed control and revegetation project of Biddaddaba Creek Bank and spotted gum bushland on an adjacent hill. |
Backstrom | Removal of opportunist weeds from an area with a canopy break, surrounded by mostly intact recovering rainforest. |
Wildcare Australia | Project to support wildlife rescuers in the rescue of sick and injured koalas and macropods in the Scenic Rim region. |
Wackwitz and Warwick | Environmental rehabilitation of a spring and gully in nature refuge property. |
Wackwitz | Restoration of natural habitat for koalas on the creek flat at the junction of the three major creeks in the Burnett Creek Nature Refuges. |
Maguire | Feral animal control, weed control, revegetation and wildlife monitoring project. |
Corrie | Removal and treatment of celtis to replace with native trees. |
Lecompte | Extension of a wildlife corridor, originally planted 27 years ago as a woodlot and where a koala has been spotted. |
Rose | Removal of lantana, asparagus fern and other weeds from around established planting to allow improved access for koalas and connectivity to other habitat. |
Bonner | Planting of trees to connect habitat areas within Obum Obum. |
Callum | Partnership of two neighbours removing agave to enable the planting of vegetation for koalas, wallabies and other native animals. |
Tonia | Project to plant large she-oaks and natives to encourage the glossy black-cockatoos along the river bank. This will extend and connect wildlife corridors, providing habitat and food. |
Wagner | Nesting boxes for the Boyland area for microbats, parrots, possums, gliders and barn owls. |
Todd | Cannon Creek at Round Mountain Road Laravale has experienced significant degradation from recent flood. Project proposed to revegetate, undertake invasive weed control and restrict cattle access through stock exclusion fencing. |