Newspaper Of The Village
History Of The Local Area
1990s to 2019 The Auchenflower House in the Toowong Parish, previously home to a nunnery, was…
1971 to 1997 In 1971, Arthur Page constructed a new observatory atop Mt Tamborine (as known…
1847 to 1968 Following the war, in 1947 a large amount of the now Yarrabilba estate…
1874 to 1970 School As a point of interest, in 1921, the population of Tamborine was…
1936 to 1948 In 1936 a letter was sent to the Department of Agriculture asking that…
1936 to 1955 One of our loyal readers, Keith Dean, has provided an interesting photographic insight…
1942 to 1947 For this edition, we will concentrate on the construction of Camp Cable which…
c.1876 to 1942 An important note of interest for the beginnings of Tambourine, is that the…
1915 to 1942 When local grazier Robert Collins first learned of the declaration of the world’s…
1902 to 1916 The Federation Drought began in 1895 and reached its peak in 1901 and…
1884 to 1902 In 1862, the Lahey family emigrated from Ireland with eleven children. In 1875,…
1872 to 1884 In 1872, Thomas Plunkett opened the First General Store in Tamborine. Then in…